Although the Navy was powerful in its own right, it was also one of the weaker elements of the Imperial Military overall. The Navy used shipyards to construct a fleet of vehicles such as frigates, destroyers, transports, and anti-air destroyers. Its bases were constructed by ASP-7 labor droids and utility trawlers gathered resources such as food from aquaharvesters. The Imperial Navy undertook aquatic operations for the Imperial Military. Years later, after the Battle of Endor, naval units also fought against Wookiee forces while trying to defend communication jammers during the Liberation of Kashyyyk, though the Imperials were ultimately defeated in the battle. The Navy engaged other Rebel Navy units for control of the Montrosa Ocean and supported the Imperial Army operations in that battle. In 0 ABY, the Imperial Navy fought against Rebel Alliance Military forces in the battle for the Montrosa Islands on the agricultural planet Reytha as part of a force led by Darth Vader. When undergoing various missions, it utilized specialized aquatic vehicles, including destroyers, submersibles, and waveskimmers. It operated on oceans, rivers and urban waterways.